“I have been working with Ashley for over a decade now. She is my hands down first call when I need to bring in a teacher to work with students in both fight and intimacy. My students always get jazzed when they know Ashley is coming because they feel empowered as artists and listened to as people. Plus, they know she's going to make them look like rockstars onstage. I can also personally attest to Ashley's training, as both an actor and fellow director. I've attended her workshops in both fight and intimacy and have worked under her as an intimacy apprentice. Her trainings pack a punch, and in a very short time I have gained a reputation for being highly knowledgeable by listening closely and implementing her teachings.”
- Rachel Carothers

Training Opportunities

Ashley has coached hundreds across the nation and beyond in the worlds of Intimacy for the Stage, Fights and Stage Combat, Acting, Audition Prep, Directing, Movement and Physicality, and more. She is a regular speaker at industry events, has a strong presence in Academia, with guest artist experience at The University of Mississippi, the University of Southern Mississippi, The University of Texas, Texas A&M University, The University of North Texas, Oklahoma City University, and more. Ashley has been a teacher at various Regional SAFD Workshops, has provided teacher and staff training to many major districts, and is a resident artist at Booker T Washington High School for the Visual and Performing Arts.

Ashley offers private training as well as openly accessible workshop opportunities. See below for some upcoming engagements. She is currently accepting private students.


Schedule a workshop or private lesson.

Ashley is currently accepting Private Students as well as Workshop Opportunities. Contact her today!